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Read More1. What exactly is EC2?
EC2 is a cloud-based virtual machine on which you have complete control over the operating system. This cloud server may be used anytime you want and when you need to deploy your servers in the cloud, comparable to your on-premises servers, and when you want complete control over the hardware and updates on the machine.
2. What is Snow Ball and how does it work?
Snow Ball is a simple program that allows you to move gigabytes of data both inside and outside of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment.
3. What is Cloud Watch, and how does it work?
Cloud Watch allows you to keep track of AWS environments such as EC2, RDS Instances, and CPU use. It also sets off alarms based on a variety of parameters.
4. What is Elastic Transcoder and how does it work?
Elastic Transcoder is an AWS Service Tool that allows you to change the format and resolution of a video to accommodate a variety of devices such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops with varied resolutions.
5. What does VPC mean to you?
The term VPC refers to a virtual private cloud. It allows you to personalize your networking setup. A virtual private cloud (VPC) is a network that is conceptually separated from other cloud networks. It enables you to have your private IP address range, as well as internet gateways, subnets, and security groups.
6. Which sort of Cloud Service includes DNS and Load Balancer Services?
IaaS-Storage Cloud Service includes DNS and Load Balancer.
7. What are the different types of Amazon S3 Storage Classes?
Amazon S3 offers the following storage classes:
-Standard Amazon S3
-Access on Amazon S3
Reduced Redundancy
-Storage on Amazon S3
-Glacier on the Amazon
8. What exactly are T2 instances?
T2 Instances are intended to give a modest baseline performance with the capacity to burst to greater performance when the workload demands it.
9. What is AWS Key-Pairs?
Key-Pairs are password-protected login credentials for your Virtual Machines. Key-Pairs, which contain a Public Key and a Private Key, may be used to connect to the instances.
10. How many subnets can a VPC have?
Each VPC can contain up to 200 subnets.
11. Describe the many types of cloud services.
The following are examples of cloud services:
-As a Service (SaaS) (SaaS)
-Information as a Service (DaaS)
-Software as a Service (SaaS) (PaaS)
-Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a type of cloud (IaaS)
12. What exactly is S3?
Simple Storage Service (S3) is an acronym for Simple Storage Service. The S3 interface allows you to store and retrieve an unlimited quantity of data at any time and from any location on the internet. The payment strategy for S3 is "pay as you go."
13. What is Amazon Route 53's method for ensuring high availability and low latency?
To offer high availability and minimal latency, Amazon Route 53 employs the following techniques:
Globally Distributed Servers -
Because Amazon is a worldwide service, it has DNS servers all over the world. Any consumer submitting a query from anywhere in the globe will be sent to a DNS Server near them that offers minimal latency.
Dependency :
Route 53 delivers the high level of reliability that essential applications demand.
Optimal Locations -
Route 53 routes request to the data center closest to the customer making the request. AWS has data centers located all over the world. Depending on the requirements and configuration chosen, the data can be cached in multiple data centers situated in different parts of the world. Route 53 allows any server in any data center to reply if it has the necessary data. This allows the client's request to be served by the nearest server. As a result, the time it takes to serve is reduced.
Requests from users in India are served from the Singapore Server, whereas requests from users in the United States are routed to the Oregon area, as seen in the above graphic.
14. What is the best way to request Amazon S3?
You may submit a request to Amazon S3 using the REST API or the AWS SDK wrapper libraries, which wrap the underlying Amazon S3 REST API.
15. What exactly does AMI entail?
The following items are included in an AMI:
-A template for the instance's root volume.
-Start permissions determine which AWS accounts have access to the AMI and may use it to launch instances.
-The volumes to attach to the instance are determined by a block device mapping.
16. What are the various Instance types?
The following are examples of situations:
-Optimized for computing
-Optimized for storage
-Computers that work faster
-General Intentions
17. How do the Availability Zone and Region relate to one other?
An Amazon data center is located in an AWS Availability Zone, which is a physical place. An AWS Region, on the other hand, is a group or collection of Availability Zones or Data Centers.
Because you may locate your VMs in multiple data centers inside an AWS Region, this solution makes your services more accessible. Client requests are still handled from other data centers in the same Region if one of the data centers in a Region fails. As a result, this structure makes it easier for your service to be available.
18. How do you keep track of your Amazon VPC?
You can keep an eye on Amazon VPC by utilising the following tools:
19. What are the various sorts of EC2 instances in terms of cost?
Based on the prices, there are three categories of EC2 instances:
On-Demand Instances are created as and when they are required. You can build an on-demand instance whenever you feel the need for a new EC2 instance. It is inexpensive in the short term, but not in the long run.
Spot Instance - These are instances that may be purchased using the bidding process. These are less expensive than On-Demand Instances.
Reserved Instance - On Amazon Web Services, you can build instances that you may reserve for up to a year. These instances are particularly handy when you know ahead of time that you will require an instance for a long time. You may establish a reserved instance in such instances and save a lot of money.
20. What exactly do you mean when you say you're halting and terminating an EC2 instance?
Stopping an EC2 instance entails shutting it down in the same way that you would shut down your computer. This will not erase any volumes associated to the instance, and it may be restarted if necessary.
Terminating an instance, on the other hand, is the same as deleting it. All volumes associated with the instance are removed. It is also not feasible to restart the instance if it is required at a later time.
21. What are AWS's consistency models for contemporary databases?
Eventual Consistency - This refers to the fact that the data will be consistent in the long run, but not immediately. Client queries will be served faster as a result, however some of the first read requests may read outdated material. This consistency is preferable in systems where data does not need to be updated in real time. It is fine, for example, if you do not see recent tweets on Twitter or recent postings on Facebook for a few seconds.
Strong Consistency - It delivers instant consistency, ensuring that data is consistent across all DB Servers. Accordingly. It may take some time for this model to make the data consistent before it can start serving requests again. However, under this paradigm, all of the replies are assured to contain consistent data.
22. What is CloudFront Geo-Targeting?
Geo-targeting allows for the provision of personalised content depending on the user's geographic location. This helps you to offer the most relevant content to a user. For example, you may utilise Geo-Targeting to provide news on local body elections to a user in India that you would not want to show to a user in the United States. Similarly, news about the Baseball Tournament may be more important to a user in the United States than it is to a person in India.
23. What are the benefits of using AWS IAM?
AWS IAM allows an administrator to provide multiple users and groups granular access. Users and user groups of many types
Different levels of access to the various resources generated may be required. You may assign roles to users and create roles with defined access levels using IAM.
It also allows you to grant users and apps access to resources without having to create IAM Roles, which is known as Federated Access.
24. What do you mean when you say "security group"?
You may choose whether or not you want your AWS instance to be available from the public internet when you build it. Furthermore, you may wish to make that instance available from particular networks but not others.
Security Groups are a rule-based Virtual Firewall that you may use to manage access to your instances. You may build rules that specify which ports, networks, or protocols you wish to allow or prevent access to.
25. What is the difference between Spot Instances and On-Demand Instances?
Some blocks of computer capacity and processing power are left idle when AWS builds EC2 instances. These blocks are distributed by AWS as Spot Instances. When capacity is available, Spot Instances run. If you're flexible about when your apps can run and if your programmes can be interrupted, they are a suitable alternative.
On-Demand Instances, on the other hand, can be produced as and when needed. The costs of such occurrences are set in stone. Unless you expressly end them, such instances will always remain available.
26. Describe connection drainage.
Connection Draining is an AWS service that allows you to serve existing requests on servers that are either being upgraded or decommissioned.
If Connection Draining is enabled, the Load Balancer will let an outgoing instance finish its existing requests for a certain length of time before sending it any new requests. An departing instance will instantly go off if Connection Draining is not enabled, and all pending requests will fail.
27. What is the difference between a state ful and a stateless firewall?
A State ful Firewall is one that keeps track of the status of the rules it's enforcing. It necessitates the creation of just inbound rules. It automatically permits outbound traffic to flow based on the established incoming rules.
A Stateless Firewall, on the other hand, requires you to explicitly establish rules for both inbound and outgoing traffic.
A Stateful Firewall, for example, will allow outgoing traffic to Port 80 if you allow inbound traffic from Port 80, while a Stateless Firewall would not.
28. In AWS, what is a Power User Access?
The owner of the AWS Resources will be identical to an Administrator User. He can build, remove, change, and inspect resources, as well as provide rights to other AWS users.
Administrator Access with the ability to control users and permissions is provided by a Power User. To put it another way, a person with Power User Access can create, remove, edit, and view resources, but he can't change them. Other users are unable to provide permissions.
29. What are the differences between an Instance Store Volume and an EBS Volume?
An Instance Store Volume is a type of temporary storage that is used to keep track of the temporary data that an instance needs to run. As long as the instance is operating, the data is accessible. The Instance Store Volume is removed and the data is erased as soon as the instance is switched off.
An EBS Volume, on the other hand, is a persistent storage disc. Even if the instance is switched off, the data saved in an EBS Volume is accessible.
30. What is the difference between an AWS Recovery Time Objective and a Recovery Point Objective?
The greatest allowable delay between the interruption of service and the restoration of service is defined as the recovery time objective. This is equivalent to a
permissible period of time during which the service may be offline
The maximum allowable period of time since the last data restoration point is the Recover Point Objective. It refers to the allowable level of data loss between the previous recovery point and the service disruption.
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