Top 25 Selenium interview Questions

Top 25 Selenium Interview Questions

Top 25 Selenium Interview Questions

1) Can you explain how to iterate through test script options?

Loop elements of the programming language can be used to iterate through alternatives in a test script; for example, in Java, the "for" loop can be used to type different test data in a text box.

/ in an array, test data collecting

testData = "test1," "test2," and "test3" in String[] format;

/ iterate through each set of test data

selenium.type ("elementLocator", testData) for (string s: test data);


2) How can you create a customised html report in the hybrid framework using TestNG?

There are three options available.

Junit: With ANT TestNG's help: To get the HTML report, use the default.html file that comes with the programme. XST reports from ANT, Selenium, and Testng combinations are also available.
Using XSL jar to convert XML material to HTML


3) How do you build an HTML test report from your test script?

There are three ways to build an HTML test report.

To get the HTML report, TestNG uses the inbuilt default.html file. XLST results from ANT, Selenium, and TestNG are also available.
JUnit: With the assistance of ANT
Using XSL jar to convert XML material to HTML for our own bespoke reports


4) How do you use the Selenium IDE to insert a break point?

Insert a break point in Selenium IDE

Right-click on the command in Selenium IDE and select "Toggle break point."

Select the command in Selenium IDE by pressing "B" on the keyboard.

Selenium IDE allows you to set several break points.


5) How do you debug the tests in the Selenium IDE?

Place a

Set a breakpoint from the point where you wish to run the test step by step.

Execute the test case.

The execution will be interrupted at the specified break point.

Click the blue icon to move on to the next statement.

To continue performing all of the commands at once, click the "Run" button.


6) What is Selenese and what are its many types?

Selenese is a set of selenium commands that are used to perform the test.

Selenese comes in three varieties.

Actions: It's utilised to carry out operations and interact with the target items.
Assertions: It serves as a reference point.
Accessors are used to keep track of the values in a variable.


7) Describe the limitations of the Selenium IDE.

The Selenium IDE's drawbacks

There is no exceptional handling.
Selenium IDE only works with HTML languages.
The reading of external databases is not possible with IDE.
It is not feasible to read from external files such as.txt and.xls.
The execution of conditional or branching statements such as if,else, and select statements is not possible.


8) In Selenium IDE, what are the two view modes?

Selenium IDE can be launched as a pop-up window or from the sidebar.


9) What are the element locators in the Selenium IDE that can be used to locate elements on a web page?

There are primarily four locators used in selenium.

Locators for X-paths
Locators in CSS

10) Html id Html name How do you generate random numbers and dates for test data in Selenium IDE?

Using Java Script in Selenium IDE, you may generate random integers.




And for



new Date() in javascript


11) How can any Selenium IDE test be converted from Selenese to another language?

To convert tests, utilise the format option in Selenium IDE.


12)Is it possible to obtain data from a specific html table column using Selenium IDE?

The command "storeTable" can be used.

Store text from cell 0,2 of an html table, for example.




Css=#table 0.2 Css=#table 0.2 Css=#table




13) What can go wrong when a Selenium IDE test fails?

When the location for an element has changed and Selenium IDE is unable to locate it

The process timed out when the element Selenium IDE waiting to access did not arrive on the web page.

When the element that Selenium IDE attempted to access was not created


14) How do you debug the tests in the Selenium IDE?

Place a break point at the point where you want to conduct the steps one by one.

Execute the test case.

At the specified break point, the programme is executed.

will be put on hold

Click the Blue button to go to the next step.

To run many commands at once, click the run button.


15) How do you run a single line from the Selenium IDE?

A single line command can be executed in two ways from the Selenium IDE.


Right-click on the command in Selenium IDE and select "Execute this command."

After selecting the command in Selenium IDE, press the "X" key on the keyboard.


16) In Selenium IDE, what format does source view display your script?

The source view in Selenium IDE displays your script in XML format.


17) In Selenium IDE, how can you insert a start point?

Selenium IDE can be configured in two ways.

Select the command in Selenium IDE by using the "S" key on the keyboard.
Right-click the command in Seleniun IDE and choose "Set / Clear Start Point."


18) How would you test your own element locator if you wrote it yourself?

To test the locator, use Selenium IDE's "Find Button." When you click it, an element will be highlighted on the screen if your element locator is correct, or an error will appear.

a message will be shown


19) What is the meaning of regular expressions? In Selenium, how do you use regular expressions?

A regular expression is a text string that is used to describe a search pattern. Regular expressions can be used with the keyword regexp: as a prefix to the value in Selenium IDE, and patterns for the expected values must be included.


20) What exactly is a core extension?

You can construct a Core Extension to "expand" the default capabilities given by Selenium Function Library. They're also referred to as "User Extensions." You can also get ready-made Core Extensions produced by other Selenium fans.


21) In Selenium, how will you handle dealing with multiple windows?

To switch between windows, we can use the selectWindow command. The title of Windows is used to determine which window to switch to with this command.


22) How will you validate a web element's precise position?

VerifyElementPositionLeft and verifyElementPositionTop might be used. It does a pixel comparison of the element's position from the left and top of the page, respectively.


23) What is the best way to retrieve a message from an alert box? 

The storeAlert command will retrieve the message from the alert popup and store it in a variable.


24) What is RC (Remote Control) selenium?

In terms of browser support and language support, Selenium IDE has several restrictions. RC restriction can be reduced by utilising Selenium.

For automating web applications, selenium RC is used with languages such as Java, C#, Perl, and Python on various platforms and web browsers.

Selenium RC is a java-based tool that can communicate with a web application in any language.

You can get around the restriction by using server to run your automation script against any web application.


25) What is the purpose of Selenium RC?

Many functionalities, like as condition statements, iteration, logging, and so on, are not directly supported by Selenium IDE. Because the IDE only supports HTML, it can't do things like report test results or handle unexpected errors. To deal with such problems, Selenium RC is utilised, and it supports languages such as Perl, Ruby, Python, and PHP. We can develop programmes in these languages to solve IDE concerns.

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Top 12 RPA Uipath Interview Questions

Top 12 RPA uipath Interview Questions

Top 12 RPA uipath Interview Questions

1) What is the difference between doing something while doing something and doing something while doing something?

The difference between a while loop and a do-while loop is that a while loop checks the condition before looping. The do-while loop checks the condition after each statement in the loop has been executed.


2) What are the different kinds of robots?

There are two categories of robots: 1) those that are supervised and 2) those that are not.


3) Describe the equipment required to read and send letters.

The following are the tools needed to read and send email:

Microsoft Outlook is a software programme that allows you to

IBM Notes is a programme that allows you to keep track


Microsoft Exchange is a programme that allows you to send


4) What are the different types of click and type input methods?

The following are examples of click and type input methods:

The default technique is

Send a message to Windows

Create a type/key simulation


5) What is the role of Orchestration?

A job whose responsibility is to orchestrate the execution of other jobs is known as an orchestration job.


6) What is the function of a credential manager?

Programmers can use the UiPath credential manager to automate the procedure. It is used to create, make, and delete the credential through specific operations.


7) What is the definition of an exception?

An exception is a type of error that occurs during the execution of a programme. The error-handling activity consists of four primary options: 1) stop the workflow, and 2) rethrow 3) Toss the ball, 4) Try to catch it.


8) What is the primary distinction between Excel and Workbook activities?

The fundamental distinction between Excel and Workbook activities is that the user cannot access password-protected popups for entering credentials in the Excel programme. 


9) In UiPath, what is Anchor base?

A container that searches for a UI element using other UI components is known as an anchor base. When there isn't a dependable selector available, this utility can be utilised.


10) Describe how email automation works.

Email automation refers to the process of automating all manual tasks such as sending emails, receiving emails, attaching attachments to emails, and downloading them.


11) How do I use UiPath to filter email?

Filtering mail can be done in two ways:

Email can be filtered using the if condition in each loop.
Users can also filter email using the "Get outlook" filter option, which allows them to specify filter requirements.


12) Describe how PDF automation works.

The process of extracting all information from PDF files is known as PDF automation.

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Top 15 Automation Testing Interview Questions

Top 15 Automation Testing Interview Questions

Top 15 Automation Testing Interview Questions

1) What is the definition of automation testing?

Automation testing is a method of writing and executing test scripts and cases using an automation tool.

Automation Testing's major purpose is to reduce the amount of test cases that must be executed manually, not to completely replace manual testing.


2) When are you going to automate a test?

In the following situations, automation is desirable.
Repeated Tasks

Tests for sanity and smoke

Test using a variety of data sets

Cases of regression testing

Typically, the decision is based on the return on investment (ROI) (Return on Investment)


3) When are you going to stop automating testing?

In the following situations, automation is not recommended.
When the Application Under Test (AUT) is constantly changing

Test scenarios that are only used once

ad hoc – ad hoc – ad hoc


4) What steps does the Automation Process entail?

The steps involved in the automation process are as follows:

Choosing a Test Tool
Define the automation's scope.
Planning, design, and development are all important aspects of any project.
Execution of Tests Maintenance


5) What are the points that are covered throughout the automation planning phase?

Things to consider during the automation planning phase are the following:

Choosing the "correct" automation tool
Automation Framework (if applicable) List of in-scope and out-of-scope automation components
Setup of the Test Environment
Preparing a Grant Chart of Project Timelines for the development and execution of test scripts.
Determine the Test Deliverables


6) When is it not possible to employ automation testing in the Agile method?

In the following scenarios, automation testing is ineffective for agile methodologies.

Always inquire when doing Agile testing. in the event that requirements alter
When in Agile, a high amount of documentation is necessary
Only appropriate for regression tests such as continuous integration during agile testing.


7) What are the most important characteristics of a good automation tool?

Support for test environments and ease of usage
Debugging capabilities are excellent.
Object recognition that is reliable
Ability to test objects and images
Object recognition
Database testing is performed.
Multiple frameworks are supported.


8) What are the different types of software automation testing frameworks?

There are four types of frameworks used in software automation testing.

Framework for data-driven automation
Framework for automation based on keywords
Framework for modular automation
Framework for hybrid automation


9) What is the norm for scripting while executing automation testing?

When writing automation scripts, keep the following points in mind:

The use of a standard name convention.
For every ten lines of code, there are three lines of comments.
Indentation is sufficient.
Error handling and recovery scenario that is robust
Frameworks should be used whenever possible.

10) What are the most widely used automated testing tools?

For automation testing, the most prevalent test tools are

Rational Robot Selenium


11) QTP (HP UFT) On what basis may the success of automation testing be measured?

The success of automation testing can be tracked by using criteria.

Automation execution time and time savings to release the product Defect Detection Ratio
Labor and other costs are reduced.


12) Can you describe some of the drawbacks of manual testing?

Manual software testing needs more time and effort.
Inaccuracy Repeating the same test scenario causes errors and is tedious.
Manual testing is impractical for very large projects with tight deadlines.


13) Tell me about your knowledge about Selenium.

Selenium is an open source (free) test framework.

library of automation It's used in web and mobile environments to automate them. It is made up of

Selenium IDE (Browser Addon – Record and Playback Tool) is a recording and playback tool for Selenium.
Selenium Grid Selenium WebDriver (Distributed Testing)
Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, and Javascript are all supported by Selenium.


14) Describe QTP to me.

HP UFT is the successor of QTP (Quick Test Professional). It's a paid automation tool that works with a variety of test environments, including Web, Desktop, SAP, Delphi, Net, ActiveX, Flex, Java, Oracle, Mobile, PeopleSoft, PowerBuilder, Siebel, Stingray, and Visual Basic.

VBScript is the scripting language. HP ALM (Test Management Tool) and HP LoadRunner work nicely together (Performance Testing Tool).

Business Process Testing, a keyword-driven framework, XML support, robust checkpoints, and test results are just a few of QTP's highlights.


15) What exactly is Sikuli?

Sikuli is a graphical user interface automation tool that employs the "Visual Image Match" approach. In Sikuli, all web elements should be saved as images and stored inside the project.

Sikuli is made up of

Sikuli Script is a visual scripting API for Jython that comes with the Sikuli IDE.
Sikuli has a number of practical applications.

It's possible to automate flash webpages or objects with it.
Without relying on internal API support, it can automate window-based applications and anything else you see on the screen.
It has a basic API.
It's simple to connect with tools like Selenium Desktop, and it's possible to automate it.
Sikuli provides a lot of help with automating flash objects.
It employs strong "Visual Match" and Flash objects to automate the desktop.
It can be used on any device.

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RPA Uipath Interview Questions

RPA Uipath Interview Questions

RPA Uipath Interview Questions

1) In UiPath, what is sequence activities?

The sequence is a minor project type that clears the way for moving from one activity to the next. It's designed to be used as a single activity block. These blocks can be reused by developers several times.


2) What is a machine's state?

A state of the machine refers to the several states that a machine must go through while performing a single operation. When an action is triggered, it can go through a variety of stages.


3) Describe the many sorts of recordings that are accessible in UiPath.

In UiPath, there are five different sorts of recordings: 1) Basic, 2) Desktop, 3) WEB, 4) Citrix, and 5) Image.


4) In UiPath, what is the assigned activity?


In UiPath, assign activity allows you to delegate tasks to people. to a variety of variables


5) What is the most significant distinction between UiPath and Selenium?

Selenium is designed to test websites or web applications, whereas UiPath is built to test UiPath. Selenium, on the other hand, is RPA software that automates the software development process.


6) Make a list of everything that can be automated with RPA.

RPA can automate the following tasks:

The website is used to generate reports.
Work on data gathering and manipulation.
Gather information from a variety of sources.
Email sharing is possible.
Data entering is effective.
In the system, there is daily and recurring work.


7) In UiPath, what is a generic variable?

A generic variable is a type of variable that can hold any data type, including integers, dates, arrays, and strings.


8) Describe the various types of OCR engines on the market.

1) Google Cloud OCR, 2) Microsoft Cloud OCR, 3) Microsoft OCR, 4) Google OCR, and 5) Abbyy Cloud OCR are examples of OCR engines.


9) Why is Element Exists required?

It's used to see if something is true or not. UI Element is present or absent during programme execution. Only Boolean is supported by Element.


10) What are the main points of dispute in UiPath?

In UiPath, contention allows developers to submit a claim for project enhancement.


11) Describe the role of the package manager.

In UiPath, a package manager is a collection of components that allows you to automate a process. Frameworks, libraries, and wrappers are all part of a package manager.


12) What is UiPath's automated recording feature?

There is a feature in UiPath that allows developers to automatically record actions. It is simple to customise and parameterize for programmers.


13) Provide a list of UiPath's variable error handling operations.

In UiPath, error capturing operations include:

Workflow should be ended.
Try your hand at Catch Throw Catch.


14) Describe the email protocols that UiPath supports.

IMAP, GET, Outlook, POP3, and more email protocols are accessible in UiPath.


15) Describe the activity of Delay.

In UiPath, the delay action is used to pause or stop automation for a period of time. It's mainly employed in projects when there's a requirement for waiting time before starting a specific programme. Delay activity is also useful for applications that need to wait for data to be processed.


16) Describe the UiPath Do While Activity.

When the condition is true, the do while action allows programmers to execute the specific component of automation. The loop, however, cannot be performed if the mention condition is false.

It's utilised to navigate through the elements that are there. Doing something while doing something else can let you repeat an action several times.


17) Explain the notion of project debugging in UiPath.

The debugging concept is used to locate and display errors in a certain project. It has breakpoints as well as logging. Debugging additionally allows you to gather information about the project and step by step highlight the error.


18) What does "publishing an automation project" mean?

The automation package must be published before it may be archived. The relevant files are kept in a separate folder in preparation for sending it to a robot and executing it.


19) Describe the hardware requirements for the Blue Prism Robotic Automation Platform.

Developers can use a front-office or back-office process to create software. It can run on any computer with a desktop.


20) Can you tell me what the session variable is?

In UiPath, the session variable is a reference to one of the instance's processes. If the process runs many processes at the same time, the session variables may be the same but with different values.

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Python Interview Questions and Answers

Python Interview Questions and Answers

Python Interview Questions and Answers

Q.1. In Python, is indentation required? Why?

In Python, indentation is required. Because it doesn't utilize curly braces, you'll need to indent code blocks evenly so that it knows what belongs in a block and what doesn't. This is a mistake:


Q.2 What does PEP 8 stand for?

The Python Enhancement Proposal 8 (PEP) is a Python-style guide. It includes coding rules and recommendations to assist make code more readable and consistent. Indentation, line length, blank lines, source file encoding, imports, string quotes, whitespace, trailing commas, comments, and docstrings, naming standards, and some programming advice are all included.


Q.3 What is the purpose of the zip() function?

This function combines objects by mapping related indices of several objects. After that, it returns a zip object. This is how it works:


Q.4. What is the purpose of the swap case() function?

The str class has a swap case() function that transforms uppercase to lowercase and vice versa.


Q.5. Can you shuffle 10 cards in your hands ([2,4,7,8,9, J, Q, K, A, A]) with Python?

Here, we'll use the random module's shuffle() method. This method shuffles a list while it is still in place.


Q.6. Which Python module will you use if you wish to work with files?

Python includes the following options for dealing with text and binary files:

shutil os (and os.path)
You can use them to create a file, duplicate its contents, and remove it.


Q.7. Does Python offer a variety of file processing modes?

You can open files in four different modes with Python: read-only, write-only, read-write, and add.

Only read mode is available. ('r') – Open a file in default mode for reading.
Open a file for writing, replace any contents, or create a new file in write-only mode ('w').
'rw' stands for read-write mode. - Open a file that needs to be updated.
Append mode ('a') – adds a new line to the end of the file.


Q.8. What is the difference between Python 2.x and Python 3.x?

Python 2 and 3 are similar yet differ slightly:

The print() function in Python 3 replaces the print statement in Python 2.
Strings in Python 3 are Unicode by default. Strings in Python 2 are ASCII.
Some Python 3 libraries are incompatible with Python 2.
For input, Python 2 had a raw input() method. The xrange() function was also included.
Python 2 will be deprecated on January 1, 2020; legacy Python 2 programs can be converted to Python 3 by then.
In Python 2, division returns an integer, whereas in Python 3, it returns a float.


Q.9. What is the purpose of enumerating ()?

This function iterates through a sequence and gets the index position and value for each item.


Q.10: What does PYTHONPATH stand for?

This is a comparable environment variable to PATH. The interpreter looks for a module at the address provided by this variable whenever you import it. It extends the usual module file search path. The value of this variable is a string containing a directory list for the sys.path directory list. One good application of this is to import our code that isn't yet available as an installable package.


Q.11 What is the difference between PYTHONSTARTUP, PYTHONCASEOK, and PYTHONHOME?

PYTHONSTARTUP is a variable that stores the path of an initialization file containing Python code. Before the first prompt appears, this executes every time you start the interpreter.

Python ignores cases in import statements if PYTHONCASEOK is set. This only applies to Windows and Mac OS X. To

After you've activated it, you can change the value to whatever you like.

PYTHONHOME, on the other hand, modifies the location of the standard Python libraries.

On Windows, go to System Properties and then to Environment Variables to do this. Add a new Environment Variable and its value after that. 


Q.12 What distinguishes lists from tuples?

In Python, there are two data types: lists and tuples, both of which are collections of objects. But they're not the same, and here's why:

Tuples are immutable, whereas lists are mutable. A list can be changed, but not a tuple.

Tuples are faster than lists.
Because tuples are immutable, they can be used as dictionary keys; lists cannot because they are mutable.
A tuple cannot be sorted, but we can sort a list with sort ().


Q.13. How do you get rid of the last item in a list?

Consider the following list of three items: [1,2,3]. This is how we can get rid of the last object: 


Q.14. Describe the Python map() function.

This function creates an iterator that computes the function using arguments from each iterable. This, like zipping (), exhausts the shortest iterable.


Q.15. In Python, what is __init__?

In C++, __init__ is a magic method that works similarly to a function Object() { [native code] }. It's used to set up new items. This function is called whenever a new object is created, and it allocates memory for the new object. Python will use its default version if you don't provide a __init__ for a class.


Q.16.Is Python entirely object-oriented? 

In Python, everything is an object. It isn't fully object-oriented, though, because it doesn't enable strong encapsulation, which is the packaging of data with methods and limiting access to some of them.


Q.17.What is loop interruption, and how does it work?

Interrupting a loop involves ending it before it has completed all of its iterations. There are three loop interruption statements in Python:

break — This exits the loop and executes the next statement in the sequence.

continue — Skips to the next iteration without performing the previous statements.

pass – When you don't know what to put in a loop, use this.


Q.18.Is Python a pass-by-value or pass-by-reference language?

Python does not support both pass-by-value and pass-by-reference. It's a pass-by-object-reference pass-through. This means that modifications to a mutable object supplied to a function will impact the original, whereas changes to an immutable object passed to a function would not.


Q.19.What is a namespace, exactly?

A name is a unique identifier (a name we use to refer to someone giving to things). A collection of names is referred to as a namespace. This is a list of all the names and the objects they identify. Multiple namespaces can be used to avoid name collisions. Even when we call a function, it creates a local namespace that contains all of the names.


Q.20. In Python, what is percent s?

We can embed values in strings with Python. F-strings, the format() method, and the percent operator are the three options. You can use it in the following way:

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TCL Scripting Interview Questions

TCL Scrypting Interview Questions

TCL Scrypting Interview Questions

1. What is Tcl and how does it work?

Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a dynamic programming language that is both powerful and simple to learn. It is ideal for a wide range of applications, including online and desktop applications, networking, administration, testing, and many more. Tcl is an open source and business-friendly language that is multi-platform (Windows, all variants of Linux, and Macintosh), easy to deploy, and extremely flexible.


2: What Is Tcl and How Does It Work?

Tcl treats the Argument as a file and attempts to read it. TCL saves the file to memory and reads it line by line, attempting to validate and compile it. The output is provided by TCL, and the memory is released.


3. How To Increment Each Element In A List? Eg: Incrlist {1 2 3} =>2 3 4?

// it works like incrlist 5 6 7 =>> 6 7 8

proc incrlist args {

set s 0

for each s $args {

incr s 1

puts $s



//for list

proc incrlist list {

set s 0

for each s $list {

incr s 1

puts $s




4. How To Run A Package In Tcl?

source (or) package required


5. How Increment A Character? For Example, I Give A And I Should Get B?

L set character “a”

set incremented_char [format %c [expr {[scan $character %c]+1}]] puts “Character before incrementing ‘$character’ : After incrementing ‘$incremented_char'”.


6. How To Extract “information” From “ccccccccaaabbbbaaaabbinformationabcaaaaaabbbbbbbccbb” In Tcl Using A Single Command?

% set
a “ccccccccaaabbbbaaaabbinformationabcaaaaaabbbbbbbccbb”


% set b [string trimleft $a “abc”]


% set c [string trim right $b “ABC”]



% set output [string trim right [string trim left

$ a “ABC”] “ABC”]




7. How To Swap 30 & 40 In Ip Address Using Tcl Script?

There are three solutions:

set a

set b [ string range $a 3 4 ]

set c [ string range $a 6 7 ]

set d [ string replace $a 3 4 $c ]

set e [ string replace $d 6 7 $b]

puts $e


set a

set b [ split $a .]

set u [lindex $b 0]

set v [lindex $b 3]

set x [lindex $b 1]

set y [lindex $b 2]

set z [join “$u $y $x $v” .]

puts $z


set IP

regexp {([0-9]+.)([0-9]+.)([0-9]+.)([0-9]+)} $ip match 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

append new_ip $1st $3rd $2nd $4th

puts $new_ip


8. How Do You Find The Length Of A String Without Using String Length Command In Tcl?

set str “lenghtofthisstring”

set len 0

set list1 [ split $str “” ]

for each value $list1 {

incr len


puts $len


9. How To Check Whether A String Is Palindrome Or Not Using Tcl Script?

Code for the above pseudo-code. Check if it works!!!!!

gets stdin a

set len [ string length $a ]

set n [ expr $len/2 ]

for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i 1 } {

set b [ string index $a $i ]

set c [ expr $len – 1 – $i ]

set d [ string index $a $c ]

if {$b != $d} {

puts “not a palindrome”




puts “Palindrome”


10. Set IP Address As Write A Script To Replace The 30 With 40?

here you can do this in multiple ways:

regsub 30 $data 40 a puts $a this will give you the replaced string.

string replace $data 3 4 40 this also will give you the replacement.

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Selenium Testing Interview Questions

Selenium Testing Interview Questions

Selenium Testing Interview Questions

1) What is Selenium and how does it work?

Selenium is a set of automated web testing tools. It is made up of

IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Selenium: It's a recording and playback programme. It's a Firefox add-on.

WebDriver and RC are APIs for a range of languages, including Java,.NET, PHP, and others. Webdriver and RC are compatible with the majority of browsers.

Grid: Grid allows you to distribute tests over numerous machines so that they may be run in parallel, reducing the amount of time it takes to run browser test suites.


2. What is Selenium 2.O?

Web Testing tools Selenium RC and WebDriver are consolidated in single tool in Selenium 2.0



What is Selenium 2.0


3) How do you plan on using Selenium to locate an element?

Every object or control in a web page is referred to as an element in Selenium, and there are several ways to locate one.










4) What are the different kinds of tests that Selenium supports?

Selenium is a tool that can be used to test web-based applications.

The following are examples of test kinds that can be accommodated.

a) It is useful; More information on functional testing can be found here.

egression is the second option.

An automated continuous integration tool could be utilised for post-release validation.

Jenkins, to begin with


Simple to construct



5) Describe what assertion is in Selenium and the different sorts of assertion.

Assertion is used as a point of verification. It confirms that the application's current status is as intended. "assert," "verify," and "waitFor" are the three sorts of assertions.


6) What is the purpose of the X-path?

In web pages, X-Path is utilised to locate the WebElement. It can also be used to identify dynamic aspects.

Refer to the XPath Complete Guide.


7) In X-path, what is the difference between a single and a double slash?

'/' is a single slash.

Start selection from the document node with a single slash (/).
You can use it to make 'absolute' path expressions.
'//' with a double slash

Start selection matching anywhere in the document with a double slash (/).
It allows you to make path expressions that are'relative.'


8.What are the technological difficulties using Selenium?
Selenium has number of technical challenges.
Only web-
based applications are supported by Selenium.
The Bitmap comparison is not supported.
Any reporting-related functions must rely on third-party software.
In comparison to commercial products like HP UFT, the tool has no vendor support.
Maintainability of objects becomes problematic in Selenium since there is no concept of an object repository.


9.What is the difference between keyboard shortcuts and keyboard commands?
In most circumstances, TypeKeys() will produce JavaScript event, whereas.type() would not. 
Type key uses JavaScript to populate the value attribute, whereas.typekeys() simulates actual user typing.


10.What is the difference between the commands verify and assert?
AssertAssert allows you to see if an element is present on the page.

or it's not. If the asserted element is not available, the test will fail at that step. To put it another way, the test will end when the check fails.

Verify: The verify command checks whether the element is present on the page; if it is not, the test will continue to run. Even if one of the tests fails, all of the commands will be guaranteed to run during verification.


11) What are JUnit Annotations and what are the different sorts of annotations?

Annotations are a unique type of syntactic meta-data that can be introduced to Java source code. Annotated variables, parameters, packages, methods, and classes Some of the more helpful Junit annotations are:



12) Is it possible to use screen coordinates while using the click command?

You'll need to use the clickAT command to click on a specific area of an element. The element locator and x, y co-ordinates are passed as arguments to the ClickAt instruction.


13) What are some of the benefits of selenium?

C#, PHP, Java, Perl, and Phython are all supported.
It works with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
It has effective methods for locating components (Xpath, DOM , CSS)
It has a large development community that is backed by Google.


14) Why should testers use Selenium instead of QTP?

Selenium is more widely used than QTP.

QTP is a commercial tool, whereas Selenium is open source.
Selenium is used to test web-based applications, whereas QTP can be used to test client-server applications. Selenium supports Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari on operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux, whereas QTP is confined to Internet Explorer on Windows.
Selenium supports a variety of programming languages, including Ruby, Perl, and Python, whereas QTP does not.


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Java Interview Questions and Answers

Java Interview Questions and Answers

Java Interview Questions and Answers

1. What makes Java a platform-agnostic language?
Because the compiler compiles the code and then converts it to platform-independent byte code that can be run on many platforms, the Java language was designed to be independent of any hardware or software.

The sole need for running the byte code is that the machine is equipped with a Java runtime environment (JRE).

2. What makes Java different from other object-oriented languages?
Java is not a pure object-oriented language because it supports primitive data types such as byte, boolean, char, short, int, float, long, and double.


3. In Java, what is the difference between heap and stack memory? And how Java makes use of it.
Stack memory is a type of memory that is used to store data. Each program was given a certain amount of memory. And the problem was resolved. Heap memory, on the other hand, is the piece of memory that was not allocated to the java program but will be accessible for use by the java program when it is needed, which is usually during the program's runtime.


4. Can java be described as an object-oriented programming language in its entirety?
If we say that java is the entire object-oriented programming language, we are not wrong. Because classes are the foundation of Java. We can gain access to this by constructing objects.

However, because it supports primitive data types such as int, float, char, boolean, double, and others, we can claim that java is not a fully object-oriented programming language.

Is Java an entirely object-oriented programming language? Because it allows direct access to primitive data types, we can say that Java is not a pure object-oriented programming language. Furthermore, these primitive data types are not directly related to the Integer classes.


5. What distinguishes Java from C++?
Java is both a compiled and an interpreted language, whereas C++ is solely a compiled language.
Java applications run on any machine, whereas C++ programs can only execute on the machine where they were compiled.
In C++, users can use pointers in their programs. Java, on the other hand, does not enable it. Internally, Java makes use of pointers.
Multiple inheritances are supported in C++, however, they are not supported in Java. The diamond dilemma arises from the need to avoid the complexities of name ambiguity.

6. In C/C++, pointers are used. Why is it that Java doesn't use pointers?
Beginner programmers should avoid using pointers because they are fairly difficult. The use of pointers might be useful in Java because it focuses on code simplicity. 

Make it difficult. The use of a pointer might also lead to mistakes. Furthermore, when pointers are utilized, security is undermined since pointers allow people to directly access memory.

By not including pointers in Java, a certain amount of abstraction is provided. Furthermore, the use of pointers might make garbage collection time-consuming and inaccurate. References are used in Java because, unlike pointers, they cannot be changed.


7. Can you explain what an instance variable and a local variable are?
Instance variables are variables that are available to all of the class's methods. They are declared both outsides and inside the methods. These variables describe an object's attributes and are inextricably linked to it.

All of the class's objects will have a copy of the variables to use. If any changes are made to these variables, just that instance will be affected, while all other class instances would stay unchanged.


8. In Java, what are the default values for variables and instances?
In Java, no default values are assigned to variables. Before we can use the value, we must first initialize it. Otherwise, a compilation error will be thrown (the Variable might not be initialized).
However, if we build the object, the default value will be set by the default function Object() { [native code] }, which will be determined by the data type.
If the value is a reference, it will be set to null.
If it's a number, it'll be assigned to 0.
If the value is a boolean, it will be set to false.


9. What exactly do you mean when you say "data encapsulation"?
Data encapsulation is an Object-Oriented Programming paradigm that encapsulates data properties and behaviors into a single unit.
It aids developers in adhering to modularity when designing software by ensuring that each object is self-contained, with its methods, characteristics, and functionalities.
It is used to protect an object's private properties and so serves the aim of data concealing.


9. What exactly do you mean when you say "data encapsulation"?
Data encapsulation is an Object-Oriented Programming paradigm that encapsulates data properties and behaviors into a single unit.
It aids developers in adhering to modularity when designing software by ensuring that each object is self-contained, with its methods, characteristics, and functionalities.
It is used to protect an object's private properties and so serves the aim of data concealing.


10. Tell us about the JIT compiler.
JIT stands for Just-In-Time, and it is a performance optimization technique that is used to improve efficiency during runtime. Its job is to compile bits of byte code with similar functionality at the same time, minimizing the amount of time the code takes to compile and run.
The compiler is nothing more than a tool for converting source code into machine-readable code. But what makes the JIT compiler unique? Let's take a look at how it works:
The javac compiler is used to convert Java source code (.java) to byte code (.class) for the first time.
The. class files are then loaded by JVM at runtime and translated to machine-readable code with the help of an interpreter.
The JIT compiler (just-in-time compiler) is a component of the JVM When the JIT compiler is enabled, the JVM analyses and compiles method calls in.class files to produce more efficient and native code. It also ensures that the method calls that are prioritized are optimized.
After completing the preceding step, the JVM executes the optimized code directly rather than reinterpreting it. This improves the execution's efficiency and speed.


10. Describe function Object() { [native code] } overloading in a few words.

Constructor overloading is the process of creating numerous constructors with the same name but different function Object() { [native code] } parameters in the same class. The compiler distinguishes the different types of constructors based on the number of parameters and their related types.


11. How is an infinite loop declared in Java?

Infinite loops are those loops that run infinitely without any breaking conditions. Some examples of consciously declaring an infinite loop are:

Using For Loop:
for (;;)
// Business logic
// Any break logic
Using while loop:
// Business logic
// Any break logic
Using the do-while loop:
// Business logic
// Any break logic

13. Briefly explain the concept of constructor overloading
Constructor overloading is the process of creating multiple constructors in the class consisting of the same name with a difference in the constructor parameters. Depending upon the number of parameters and their corresponding types, distinguishing the different types of constructors is done by the compiler.

class Hospital {
int variable1, variable2;
double variable3;
public Hospital(int doctors, int nurses) {
variable1 = doctors;
variable2 = nurses;
public Hospital(int doctors) {
variable1 = doctors;
public Hospital(double salaries) {
variable3 = salaries

14. Define Copy constructor in java.
Copy Constructor is the constructor used when we want to initialize the value to the new object from the old object of the same class.

class InterviewBit{
String department;
String service;
InterviewBit(InterviewBit ib){
this.departments = ib.departments; =;
Here we are initializing the new object value from the old object value in the constructor. Although, this can also be achieved with the help of object cloning.

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AEM Interview Questions

AEM Interview Questions

AEM Interview Questions

1. Explain AEM Architecture.

Platform JAVA
Because Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a Java web application, it requires a Java Runtime Environment on the server (JRE). JRE 1.6 is required, although JRE 1.7 is highly recommended.
Granite Worktop

Adobe's open web stack is called Granite. It is the technical foundation upon which AEM is constructed.


OSGi is a Java-based dynamic software component system. An application on an OSGi-based system is made up of a collection of components, referred to as bundles in OSGi, that may be dynamically installed, started, paused, and uninstalled during runtime without having to restart the entire application. Bundle administration is available in a running AEM instance via the AEM Web Console at http://:/system/console/bundles.


The built-in CQSE servlet engine runs as a service in a quickstart installation.

a bundle that is part of the OSGi framework The handling of servlets in a war file installation is assigned to a third-party application server. When AEM is deployed via the standalone quickstart jar file, it comes with a built-in servlet engine (CQSE), which operates as a bundle within the OSGi framework.


The built-in CRX content repository, which is an implementation of the Java Content Repository Specification, stores all data in AEM (JCR).

AEM's built-in content repository stores all of the data.

CRX is the name of the AEM repository.

Adobe's implementation of the Content Repository Specification for Java Technology 2.0, also known as JSR-238, is an official standard released by the Java Community Process (version 1.0 was known as JSR-170)


AEM is an acronym for

developed with Sling, a REST-based Web application framework that makes developing content-oriented apps simple. Sling's data is stored in a JCR repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit or, in the case of AEM, the CRX Content Repository. The Apache Software Foundation has accepted Sling as a contribution.

Modules for AEM

Adobe Experience Manager is built on the Granite platform and runs on top of the OSGi framework. WCM, DAM, Workflow, and other AEM modules are examples.


2. What is the difference between CQ5 and AEM?

AEM 6.1/6.0's significant tech stack updates.

1. Jackrabbit Oak: Oak outperforms JCR in terms of performance and scalability. To allow clustering and user-generated data situations, you can alternatively use a NoSQL database like MongoDB as the persistence layer.

2. Attractive: A new templating language that makes markup seem nice, enforces the separation of markup and logic, and by default protects against XSS.

3. Touch UI: CQ5's ExtJS-based Classic UI has been upgraded to Touch UI, which supports touch-enabled devices and is created with the Coral UI framework.

4. Search - Apache Solr: Lucene was the default search engine in CQ5, however, it has been replaced by Solr. The Solr server can now be used as the search engine for your AEM application.


3. What is new in AEM 6.2?

Adobe Experience Manager 6.2 is an upgrade to the code base of Adobe Experience Manager 6.1. It adds new and improved features, as well as critical customer fixes, high-priority customer enhancements, and general bug fixes geared toward product stability. It also includes all feature packs, hotfixes, and service packs for Adobe Experience Manager 6.1.

An overview is provided in the table below.

Features of Security

Support for password history has been added.

Authentication token expiration can be customized.

Continual effort: Sling login administrative API usage has been switched to Service Users in many places of the product.

The following are the main enhancements to the repository:

MongoDB Enterprise 3.2 is supported.

Enhancements to TarMK's cold standby to provide a procedural failover for high availability.

Faceted Search, Suggestions, Spellchecker, and other Oak search innovations

In terms of performance, scalability, and resilience, general.

Support for Revision Cleanup (Offline revision cleanup is the recommended way of performing revision cleanup)

The 2016 Adobe Marketing Cloud UI design is implemented in AEM 6.2. (also known as Shell 3). Furthermore, the user interface is transitioning from Coral UI 2 to the Coral 3 UI framework, which is based on Web Components.

"Explain Query" on the Operations Dashboard provides insight into the mechanics of your queries to aid diagnosis and optimization.

In the Tools/Operations section, specific repository features can be monitored using a configurable timeline view.

The file in the Tools/Operations/Diagnosis section now contains a configurable series of Java thread dumps.

User Sync Diagnostics are used to ensure that users and groups are consistent across AEM instances.

Distribution of Content:

Replication of packages to support extra-large activation volumes

Configure priority-queuing to Allow for a divide between urgent and backlog activations.

The file in the Tools/Operations/Diagnosis section now contains a configurable series of Java thread dumps.

Advanced notifications and auto-unlocking of stalled replication queues.


4. What is new in AEM 6.3?

Adobe Experience Manager 6.3 is a patch for Adobe Experience Manager 6.2. It adds new and improved features, as well as critical customer fixes, high-priority customer enhancements, and general bug fixes aimed at product stability. All feature packs, hotfixes, and service packs for Adobe Experience Manager 6.2 are included.

Cleaning Up Your Revisions on the Internet

Section of Oak TarMK is a new Tar file format that optimizes runtime and maintenance. It claims to be faster than TarMK and to fully allow online revision cleanups. Anyone who has worked with AEM to automate cloud processes will appreciate this last point. There will be no need to shut down an instance to perform repository compaction and cleanup.

As part of the maintenance chores, it is now scheduled to run regularly.

Maps of activities

The AEM Sites Activity Map interface, which was introduced in AEM 6.3, allows the Adobe Analytics Activity Map to display analytics data directly on the AEM Sites page, allowing AEM Authors to see how their pages are used down to the link level. more

Workflow in bulk

Faster workflow-related tasks and the capacity to handle numerous things with one click have increased productivity.

Export Sling Models

In Sling Models v1.3.0, the Sling Model Exporter was introduced. This new feature allows users to add new annotations to Sling Models that specify how the model should be exported as JSON.

Define a resource Type using the @Model annotation to tie the exporter framework to a Sling model.

and provide the Jackson exporter as well as the Sling extension using the @Exporter annotation (and optionally the selectors). It's also possible to utilize Jackson annotations to change the model's JSON representation.
Integration with Livefyre

Adobe purchased Livefyre in May 2016 and has now incorporated it as a set of components, as well as a user-generated content ingestion and moderation panel, into Adobe Experience Manager. Once a Livefyre cloud service configuration is set up, content creators can use components (found in /libs/social/integrations/livefyre/components) to surface user-generated content from social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram on a page. Traditional branded experiences combined with social media content will show to be an efficient strategy to increase client engagement. The usage of A separate Assets and Livefyre license is required for Livefyre, however, a Communities license is not required.

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Google cloud Interview Questions for Experienced

Google cloud Interview Questions for Experienced

Google cloud Interview Questions for Experienced

1) Why is a virtualization platform required for cloud implementation?

Virtualization allows you to construct operating systems, virtual storage, networks, and applications, among other things. We can expand the existing infrastructure with the correct virtualization. Existing servers can run many applications and operating systems.

2) What is the difference between elasticity and scalability?

Scalability is a cloud computing capability that allows it to scale up the capacity of resources to adapt to expanding workloads. When traffic increases, the architecture uses scalability to deliver on-demand resources. Elasticity, on the other hand, is a feature that allows for the dynamic commissioning and dismantling of large amounts of resources. It is determined by the availability of resources and the length of time they are used.

3) How do Google Compute Engine and Google App Engine work together?

Both Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine are mutually beneficial. GCE is an IaaS service, whereas Google Application Engine is a PaaS service. Mobile backends, web-based apps, and line-of-business applications all rely on GAE. If we require additional control over the underlying infrastructure, Compute Engine is a wonderful solution. For example, Compute Engine can be used to create bespoke business logic or run our storage system.

4) What is the meaning of EUCALYPTUS?

"Elastic Utility Computing Architecture For Linking Your Program To Useful Systems" is what EUCALYPTUS stands for. This is a free cloud computing software architecture that is used to create cloud computing clusters. It offers private, public, and hybrid cloud services.

5) What are the different authentication methods for the Google Compute Engine API?

Authentication for the Google Compute Engine API can be done in a variety of ways:

Using the OAuth 2.0 protocol

Using the client library

Using an access token directly

6) What are some of the most widely used open-source cloud computing platforms?

Here are a few of the most popular open-source cloud platforms:




Mesos is an Apache project.

Cloud Foundry is a company that creates cloud-based

7) How do you distinguish between a project number and a project ID?

The project identifier and the project number are two factors that are used to identify a project. The following are the differences between the two:

When a project is created, the project id is generated automatically, but the project number is entered manually by the user. The number of the project is required and required, but the project ID may be optional for the services, but it is required for the Google Compute Engine.

8) How can data be safeguarded during cloud transport?

Verify that the encryption key used with the data you submit does not leak data as it flows from point A to point B on the cloud to ensure that the data is secure.

9) What are cloud computing system integrators?

A cloud has various components that can be difficult to understand. The system integrator is a cloud strategy that enables the design of the cloud, as well as the integration of various components for the establishment of a hybrid or private cloud network, among other things.

10) What are Google Cloud projects?

Projects are containers that organize all of Google Compute's resources. They make up the compartmentalized world. are not intended for resource sharing. Projects may have a variety of users and owners.

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